Step into the holiday season with the enchanting magic of The Nutcracker ballet, one of Newfoundland and Labrador’s most cherished traditions. Led by Artistic Director, Yukichi Hattori, Kittiwake dancers, spirited community cast and special guest...
Step into the holiday season with the enchanting magic of The Nutcracker ballet, one of Newfoundland and Labrador’s most cherished traditions. Led by Artistic Director, Yukichi Hattori, Kittiwake dancers, spirited community cast and special guest appearances bring this timeless story to life, filled with whimsical scenes of dancing dolls, waltzing flowers and twirling candy canes. Join us for performances in Stephenville, Gander, and two special shows in St. John’s, accompanied by orchestra conducted by Vernon Regehr. The Nutcracker is a heartwarming experience that will delight the entire family.
Tickets are $48 (including HST and service charge) and can be purchased at the Arts & Culture Centre Box Office, by calling 256-1081 or online at
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